
Join me for a closer look at today’s reading of Rhyming With Jesus!

In God’s love,

My fortress…

No better place can I find but the ever-loving embrace of my Savior in times of trouble. This is where I find my comfort, my peace, and my sanctuary until the troubled waters pass. I can run to him at any moment, at any time of day or night. Although he already knows why I…

You are not a burden….

When you have a chronic ailment, be it physical or mental, you can feel as if you are a burden sometimes. But those that provide you care and support feel differently I am sure! They do it out of love for you. This is what please our God! And when we live a life pleasing…

Life is more fun…

Many people are under the misconception that when you become a Christian you can no longer have fun. I do not believe this! There are changes that happen within when you accept Jesus Christ into your heart this is true. The Holy Spirit fills you with a desire to be different. Your sins are washed…

What surrounds me…

What surrounds me always amazes me. Sometimes I just sit in wonder and awe of his works and his presence. What of his surrounds and soothes you? Do you set and listen to each splashing wave of the ocean blue? Does each rolling wave carry a worry away? Wave by wave they all drift away.…

Certain thing…

With all the uncertainty we face today I thought it would nice to revisit this. Our life is filled with uncertainty…Making it difficult to make a plan…Including God in all of your decisions…Is a sure way to do the best you can….When we make plans on our own…We do not know what tomorrow may bring…So…

Your best accessory…

When you look around what is your best accessory? What is it that makes you feel your best? You know without a doubt whatever it is, it will make your day better! I bet you thought I was talking about your best outfit? Or maybe I was talking about that special jewelry you only pull…

Fountain of youth…

Who needs the fountain of youth when you can have eternal life? So many are afraid to grow old, afraid of what tomorrow may bring. However, each new day is a blessing. Every wrinkle, every scar, and yes every gray hair tells a story. They each resemble maturity and growth. They speak of where we…

Being brave…

Being brave is different for each of us. We need to remember that everyone has a unique and special comfort level when dealing with every day situations. For some of us it is as simple as going outside or speaking to someone that is difficult. For others they may have to deal with something as…

Refresh me….

I think this poem is pretty, it reminds us of the importance of rest and that God’s work is continuous whether we are awake or asleep. Refresh me Lord while I sleep…Like the outside morning dew…Watch over me in pleasant dreams….And make me feel brand new…Have the cares of the day drift away…Bring me restful…


We should be mindful of the word never. How we say we never will, or that will never happen to us. We say we would never do that or react like that. Before we know it we are right in the middle of that never. We are not to judge others, we are not in…


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